
curl --location --request PUT '' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer string_encrypted_accesst_token' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/multipart/form-data' 
    "file": file,


FilePDF which needs to be analysedfileYes
PasswordPassword for the PDF (If PDF is password protected)stringNo
statementTypeThere are four statement types that you can send statements in. If it is not included in the request, request will identify statement type as “CONSUMER” by default. The statement types are:

- CONSUMER: for individual statements
- BUSINESS: for corporate or business account type statements
- MOBILE_MONEY: for individual MNO(mobile network operator) type accounts like MPESA or similar mobile payment account
- MOBILE_MONEY_BUSINESS: for business MNO accounts
documentTypeRepresents the type of bank statement to be analyzed, PDF(default) or SCANNEDstringNo