
  "date": "2020-06-29",
  "amount": 1300,
  "type": "debit",
  "description": "online to access bank teeplanet lim ited onepay transfer to teeplanet l imited access bank (trf)",
  "balance": 206755.15
  "date": "2020-09-17",
  "amount": 25,
  "type": "debit",
  "description": "nipfee/online to united bank for af rica ikenwa chidiebere juliana onep ay transfer to ikenwa chidiebere ju li",
  "balance": 80830.99
  "date": "2020-09-17",
  "amount": 1.88,
  "type": "debit",
  "description": "nipvat/online to united bank for af rica ikenwa chidiebere juliana onep ay transfer to ikenwa chidiebere ju li",
  "balance": 80829.11