Variable Definition

Generated Statement Analytics responses contain the analytics metadata along with all the analytics variables. The following tables outline all the analytics variables, their descriptions, and types.

Spend Analysis

The bucket of analysis regarding the consumer’s spending patterns.

Variable Name Description Type
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnTransfer Captures the average monthly amount spent on transfer. double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnAtmAndPOS Captures the average monthly amount spent on ATM and POS transactions. double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnChargesAndStampDuty Captures the average monthly amount spent on Bank Charges and Stamp Duty. double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnEntertainment Captures the average monthly amount spent on Entertainment. double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnGambling Captures the average monthly amount spent on Gambling. double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnHealth Captures the average monthly amount spent on Health. double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnHospitalityandFood Captures the average monthly amount spent on Hospitality and Food. double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnInsurance Captures the average monthly amount spent on Insurance double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnOnlineandWeb Captures the average monthly amount spent on Online and Web Transactions double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnRent Captures the average monthly amount spent on rent double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnTravel Captures the average monthly spend on travel double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnUSSD Captures the average monthly spend on USSD Transactions double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnAirtimeandData Captures the average monthly spend on Airtime and Data double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnUtilities Captures the average monthly spend on Utilities double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnTransportation Captures the average monthly spend on transportation double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnInternationalTransactions Captures the average amount spent on international transactions double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlyTotalExpenses Captures the average monthly total expenses double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnSavingsAndInvestments Captures the average monthly spend on savings and investments double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnCrypto Captures the average monthly spend on crypto double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlySpendOnOthers Captures the average monthly value of debit transactions executed on other transactions not listed in the spend bucket double
spendAnalysis.averageMonthlyRecurringExpense Captures the average monthly recurring expenses double
spendAnalysis.mostRecurringExpense Captures the most recurring expense string
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnTransfer Captures the total amount spent on transfer. double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnAtmAndPOS Captures the total amount spent on ATM and POS transactions. double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnChargesAndStampDuty Captures the total amount spent on Bank Charges and Stamp Duty. double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnEntertainment Captures the total amount spent on Entertainment. double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnGambling Captures the total amount spent on Gambling. double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnHealth Captures the total amount spent on Health. double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendonHospitalityandFood Captures the total amount spent on Hospitality and Food. double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnInsurance Captures the total amount spent on Insurance double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnOnlineandWeb Captures the total amount spent on Online and Web Transactions double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnRent Captures the total amount spent on rent double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnTravel Captures the total spend on travel double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnUSSD Captures the total spend on USSD Transactions double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnAirtimeandData Captures the total spend on Airtime and Data double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnUtilities Captures the total spend on Utilities double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnTransportation Captures the total spend on transportation double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnInternationalTransactions Captures the total amount spent on international transactions double
spendAnalysis.totalMonthlyExpenses Captures the total monthly expenses double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnCrypto Captures the total monthly spend on crypto double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnSavingsAndInvestments Captures the total monthly value of debit transactions spent on savings and investments double
spendAnalysis.totalSpendOnOthers Captures the total spend in others: total monthly value of debit transactions executed on other transactions not listed in the spend bucket double
spendAnalysis.totalRecurringExpense Captures total amount for the recurring expense double
spendAnalysis.totalExpenses Captures total amount for the expense double
spendAnalysis.atmLocations Captures all of the ATM Locations string
spendAnalysis.mostFrequentSpendCategory Spend category with the highest debit transactions string
spendAnalysis.monthWithHighestSpend Month with the highest debit amount string
spendAnalysis.highestSpend The highest debit amount in the bank statement string
spendAnalysis.mostFrequentExpense Expense with the highest transactions string
spendAnalysis.mostFrequentExpenseAmount Amount spent on the most frequent expense double

Pattern Analysis

The bucket of analysis regarding the consumer’s spending patterns.

Variable Name Description Type
patternAnalysis.lastDayofCredit The last date a credit was made within the statement. string
patternAnalysis.lastDayofDebit The last date a debit was made within the statement. string
patternAnalysis.percentDebitTransactions The percentage of debit transactions within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentCreditTransactions The percentage of credit transactions within the statement double
patternAnalysis.totalNumberOfTransactions The total number of transactions within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentOfTransactionsLessThan10ThousandNaira The percentage of transactions less than 10k within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentOfTransactionsBetween10ThousandTo100ThousandNaira The percentage of transactions between 10k and 100k within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentOfTransactionsBetween100ThousandTo500ThousandNaira The percentage of transactions between 100k and 500k within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentOfTransactionsBetween500ThousandToOneMillionNaira The percentage of transactions between 500k and 1M within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentOfTransactionsGreaterThanOneMillionNaira The percentage of transactions greater than 1M within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentNumberOfDaysTransactionsWasLessThan10ThousandNaira The percentage number of days with less than 10k transactions within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentOfBalancesLessThan10ThousandNaira The percentage of balance less than 10k within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentOfBalancesBetween10ThousandTo100ThousandNaira The percentage of balance between 10k and 100k within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentOfBalancesBetween100ThousandTo500ThousandNaira The percentage of balance between 100k and 500k within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentOfBalancesBetween500ThousandToOneMillionNaira The percentage of balance between 500k and 1M within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentOfBalancesGreaterThanOneMillionNaira The percentage of balance greater than 1M within the statement double
patternAnalysis.percentNumberOfDaysBalanceWasLessThan10ThousandNaira The percentage number of days with less than 10k balance within the statement double
patternAnalysis.mostFrequentBalanceRange The most frequent balance range within the statement string
patternAnalysis.mostFrequentTransactionRange The most frequent transaction range within the statement string
patternAnalysis.numberOfCardRequests The number of card requests within the statements double
patternAnalysis.mostFrequentCreditTransfer Most occuring incoming transfer transaction string
patternAnalysis.mostFrequentDebitTransfer Most frequent outgoing transfer transaction string
patternAnalysis.returnCheque Cheque returned int
patternAnalysis.missingTransactions The number of missing transactions within the statements string
patternAnalysis.balanceBreakdown An array of buckets that categorize transactions based on the minimum and maximum values of the bucket. The minimum and maximum values of a bucket define a continous interval that categorizes transaction balance amounts for that bucket. The first bucket will contain an extremely large negative min value for the bucket to capture negative transaction balances. The last bucket will contain an extremely large max value to capture all large transaction balances. array
patternAnalysis.balanceBreakdown[i].min The minimum balance (inclusive) of a transaction that can fit inside a balanceBreakdown.bucket double
patternAnalysis.balanceBreakdown[i].max The maximum balance (exclusive) of a transaction that can fit inside a balanceBreadown.bucket double
patternAnalysis.balanceBreakdown[i].percentageOfTransactionsInBucket The percentage of transactions that fill within the bucket.For every other bucket that is not first or last the min is the minimum amount of a transaction to be categorized in the bucket, while the max is the amount that is the upper range for the bucket exclusive. double
patternAnalysis.transactionBreakdown An array of buckets that categorize transactions based on the minimum and maximum values of the bucket. The minimum and maximum values of a bucket define a continous interval that categorizes transaction amounts. The first bucket will contain an extremely large negative min value for the bucket to capture negative transaction amounts. The last bucket will contain an extremely large max value to capture all large transaction amounts. double
patternAnalysis.transactionBreakdown[i].min The minimum amount (inclusive) of a transaction that can fit inside a transactionBreakdown.bucket double
patternAnalysis.transactionBreakdown[i].max The maximum amount (exclusive) of a transaction that can fit inside a transactionBreakdown.bucket double
patternAnalysis.transactionBreakdown[i].percentageOfTransactionsInBucket The percentage of transactions that fill within the bucket.For every other bucket that is not first or last the min is the minimum amount of a transaction to be categorized in the bucket, while the max is the amount that is the upper range for the bucket exclusive. double
patternAnalysis.percentNumberOfDaysTransactionsInSmallestBucket Percent number of days transactions were in smallest bucket double
patternAnalysis.percentNumberOfDaysBalancesInSmallestBucket Percent number of days balance were in smallest bucket double
patternAnalysis.noOfSelfTransferInflows int
patternAnalysis.noOfSelfTransferOutflows int
patternAnalysis.selfTransferInflowAmount double
patternAnalysis.selfTransferOutflowAmount double
patternAnalysis.selfTransferInflowTransactions array
patternAnalysis.selfTransferOutflowTransactions array

NOTE: Highlighted fields will be deprecated soon. Please use the bucket transactions and balance instead.

Behavioral Analysis

The bucket of analysis regarding the customer’s behavioral pattern. It gives information on the following

Variable Name Description Type
behavioralAnalysis.monthToMonthInflowToOutflowRate Captures the month to month inflow to outflow rate within the statement string
behavioralAnalysis.overallInflowToOutflowRate Captures the overall inflow to outflow rate string
behavioralAnalysis.totalLoanAmount Captures the total loan amount within the statement double
behavioralAnalysis.totalLoanRepaymentAmount Captures the total loan repayment amount within the statement double
behavioralAnalysis.loanToInflowRate Captures the loan to inflow rate within the statement double
behavioralAnalysis.loanRepaymentToInflowRate Captures the loan repayment to inflow rate within the statement double
behavioralAnalysis.numberLoanTransactions Captures the total number of loan transactions within the statement double
behavioralAnalysis.numberRepaymentTransactions Captures the number of repayment transactions within the statement double
behavioralAnalysis.gamblingStatus Captures the customer’s  gambling status within the statement string
behavioralAnalysis.gamblingRate Captures the customer’s gambling rater double
behavioralAnalysis.accountActivity Captures the percentage of active transactions within the statement double
behavioralAnalysis.percentOfInflowIrregularity Captures the percentage of irregularities in credit amount within the statement double
behavioralAnalysis.averageMonthlyLoanAmount Captures the average monthly loan amount double
behavioralAnalysis.averageMonthlyLoanRepaymentAmount Captures the average monthly loan repayment amount double
behavioralAnalysis.accountSweep Shows if recycling of funds is seen or balance field is of a similar amount for large parts of the statement string
behavioralAnalysis.numberOfBettingTransactions int
behavioralAnalysis.loanTransactions array
behavioralAnalysis.loanRepaymentTransactions array

Cash Flow Analysis

The bucket of analysis regarding the customer’s cash flow pattern depicted on the statement. It gives information on the following

Variable Name Description Type
cashFlowAnalysis.totalCreditTurnover The customer’s total credit turnover captured within the statement double
cashFlowAnalysis.totalDebitTurnOver The customer’s total debit turnover captured within the statement double
cashFlowAnalysis.averageMonthlyCredits The customer’s average monthly credit transactions within the statement double
cashFlowAnalysis.averageMonthlyDebits The customer’s average monthly debit transactions within the statement double
cashFlowAnalysis.averageWeeklyCredits The customer’s average weekly credit transactions within the statement double
cashFlowAnalysis.averageWeeklyDebits The customer’s average weekly debit transactions within the statement double
cashFlowAnalysis.averageMonthlyBalance The customer’s average monthly balance within the statement double
cashFlowAnalysis.averageWeeklyBalance The customer’s average weekly balance within the statement double
cashFlowAnalysis.numberOfTransactingMonths The number of transacting months within the statement double
cashFlowAnalysis.periodInStatement The statement period string
cashFlowAnalysis.yearInStatement The year in the statement string
cashFlowAnalysis.firstDateInStatement The first date within the statement string
cashFlowAnalysis.lastDateInStatement The last date within the statement string
cashFlowAnalysis.closingBalance The balance at the statement end double
cashFlowAnalysis.validCredit The amount of valid credit within the statement double
cashFlowAnalysis.monthlyOutflow array
cashFlowAnalysis.monthlyInflow array

Income Analysis

The bucket of analysis regarding the end user’s income. This variable gives information on the following:

Variable Name Description Type
incomeAnalysis.averagePredictedSalary The average salary predicted within the statement double
incomeAnalysis.isSalaryEarner Indicates if the customer is a salary earner string
incomeAnalysis.expectedSalaryPaymentDay The expected salary payment date double
incomeAnalysis.frequencyOfSalaryPayments The frequency of salary payments string
incomeAnalysis.lastDateOfSalaryPayment The last date of salary payment string
incomeAnalysis.numberOfSalaryPayments The number of salary payment within the statement double
incomeAnalysis.hasOtherIncome Indicates if the end user has other income string
incomeAnalysis.NetAverageMonthlyEarning Captures the total income left in the account less loans, bills and utilities, charges, expenses, etc double
incomeAnalysis.averageOtherIncome The average non-salary income within the statement double
incomeAnalysis.numberOfOtherIncomePayments The number of other income payment captured within the statement double
incomeAnalysis.lowestSalary Lowest salary across all months in the bank statement double
incomeAnalysis.mostRecentSalary Latest salary in the bank statement string
incomeAnalysis.salaryTransactions array
incomeAnalysis.otherIncomeTransactions array